I just launched two brand new premium courses to help you better engage with your coalition!


Online Meetings: Don’t do it alone!

When we facilitate an in-person meeting, most folks expect to have some kind of on-site support. Someone will take notes, there might be an IT person to troubleshoot technology challenges and you may even have additional facilitators. When you facilitate an online meeting, sometimes folks make the mistake of trying to do it alone. Don’t […]

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Online Meetings: Questions to Consider Part 2

As we discussed in last week’s post, online meetings can be a forum for lack of engagement, multitasking and frustrating technical issues OR they can be an efficient and effective way to work together in teams and coalitions.  As a reminder, when you host an online meeting (or any meeting!), you need to know your

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Online Meetings: Questions to Consider Part 1

Online meetings can be a forum for lack of engagement, multitasking and frustrating technical issues OR they can be an efficient and effective way to work together in teams and coalitions.  When you host an online meeting, you need to know your meeting’s purpose, maximize participation and be productive. Join me this week as we

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Online meetings: How are they different?

One of my favorite things to do is facilitate a small or large group meeting. I know it may sound completely crazy to some, but I am totally energized by active discussions and participations, “aha” moments and seeing a group move to collective action and a plan forward.  While these skills are also important in

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Our Energy: High Vibe vs. Low Vibe

Have you thought about your energy lately? Or the energy around you? Do you leave meetings feeling completely drained and exhausted or do you leave meetings energized and ready to take action?  This post is focused on the concept of“high-vibe” vs. “low-vibe.” Join me this week as I describe the difference and challenge you to think

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Be Accountable

Some of you may be thinking, how does last week’s post on “Be Flexible” relate to the idea of “Be Accountable”? Aren’t they totally different things and potentially incompatible? Actually, no!  As leaders of teams, coalitions and non-profits, it’s vitally important that we show flexibility AND accountability. If we lose sight of our goals and

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Seek “win-win” opportunities

Stephen Covey highlighted the importance of “thinking win-win” as his 4th Habit of Highly Effective People. As we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. today, he sets an example for us in what it looks like to seek win-win opportunities. He recognized situations that were definitely win-lose or lose-win and worked diligently to find new

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Logo Wars: How do you decide?

It seems so simple and perhaps even insignificant, but one of the biggest challenges I have faced in working with partnerships is whose logo gets to be included in presentations and products. This can be a very big deal and requires finesse in figuring out what makes sense.  Most partnership and coalition members, particularly non-profit, are

Logo Wars: How do you decide? Read More »

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