I just launched two brand new premium courses to help you better engage with your coalition!


When interacting positively with others becomes manipulation

Similar to all of the other “Emotional Intelligence” related topics we have been discussing, there is a potential “dark side” to interacting positively as well. We need to be careful that our attempts at interacting positively don’t end up becoming veiled forms of manipulation. Join me this week as I highlight 3 signs that our […]

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How do you lead a partnership well? Interact positively with others

Interacting positively with others can be easier said than done. Over the past several weeks, we have been highlighting several “emotional intelligence” related concepts that get us ready to interact positively with others. When you know yourself and you are able to recognize others, you are in a great place to interact positively with others.

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When recognizing others becomes people pleasing: Part 2

We are continuing our conversation this week related to the potential downsides related to “recognizing others.” As I shared in last week’s post, If you are actively trying to recognize others and you are finding yourself exhausted, overwhelmed and frustrated that you cannot make everyone happy, this may be a sign you have moved beyond

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When recognizing others becomes people pleasing: Part 1

While it is very important to recognize and pay attention to others (click here for last week’s post), like most things, there is a potential downside. If you are paralyzed in moving forward or taking action, if you find yourself focusing on the one person who may be disgruntled or you are trying to make

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How do you lead a partnership well? Recognize others

How much time do you spend reflecting on yourself vs. others? Do you pay attention to the non-verbal communication happening during your meetings? Do you try to really understand what is going on with your teams or partnerships?  Once you “know yourself” the next important step is to recognize others. Pay attention to what they

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When “knowing yourself” becomes a liability

As we talked about last week, it’s very important to take time to reflect and ask for feedback in order to increase self awareness in leading a partnership or a team. If you missed last week’s post, check it out here. After this post last week, a very self-aware friend and colleague asked a very

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How do you lead partnerships well? Know yourself!

If you are leading a partnership or coalition, you may be thinking that you need to focus all of your attention on those you are leading. While you do need to pay attention to others, that is not the first step. If you are going to be successful in leading a partnership or coalition, you

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Online Meetings: Facilitation Tips and Tricks Part 2

Hopefully, you have started implementing last week’s facilitation tips and tricks! Click here if you missed it. As we discussed last week, there are similarities and differences to facilitating in-person vs. online meetings.  I talked with someone recently who was a master at facilitating in-person meetings but had really become discouraged and ready to give

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Online meetings: Facilitation Tips and Tricks Part 1

We have spent the past several weeks discussing online meetings from why they are different than in-person meetings, questions to consider Part 1 and Part 2 (with a new free worksheet!), the importance of garnering support and technology tips. This week, we are moving to facilitation “tips and tricks.”  There are aspects of meeting facilitation

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