I just launched two brand new premium courses to help you better engage with your coalition!

Emotional Intelligence

Managing not manipulating relationships

Today’s Emotional Intelligence focus area, Relationship Management, builds on the other concepts we have discussed over the past three weeks, including: Self Awareness, Self Management and Social Awareness. One of the potential pitfalls of this area, if not done with the right intent, is that it comes across as manipulative.  Join me as we talk […]

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How can Emotional Intelligence help your team?

Last week, we talked about the characteristics of an “Ideal Team Player“. One of those characteristics is being “people smart” which is very connected to the concept of Emotional Intelligence (EI). High levels of EI are critically important for leaders and followers, and is essential in helping people work better together.

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It’s all about relationships

I have spent more than 15 years working in public health and remember learning very early in my career that “it’s all about relationships.”  I wish I had a dollar for every time I have heard someone say, “we need to build partnerships” or “create a coalition” or “convene an advisory group” as if it’s

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