I just launched two brand new premium courses to help you better engage with your coalition!

Emotional Intelligence

How do you lead a partnership well? Recognize others

How much time do you spend reflecting on yourself vs. others? Do you pay attention to the non-verbal communication happening during your meetings? Do you try to really understand what is going on with your teams or partnerships?  Once you “know yourself” the next important step is to recognize others. Pay attention to what they […]

How do you lead a partnership well? Recognize others Read More »

When “knowing yourself” becomes a liability

As we talked about last week, it’s very important to take time to reflect and ask for feedback in order to increase self awareness in leading a partnership or a team. If you missed last week’s post, check it out here. After this post last week, a very self-aware friend and colleague asked a very

When “knowing yourself” becomes a liability Read More »

How do you lead partnerships well? Know yourself!

If you are leading a partnership or coalition, you may be thinking that you need to focus all of your attention on those you are leading. While you do need to pay attention to others, that is not the first step. If you are going to be successful in leading a partnership or coalition, you

How do you lead partnerships well? Know yourself! Read More »

Our Energy: High Vibe vs. Low Vibe

Have you thought about your energy lately? Or the energy around you? Do you leave meetings feeling completely drained and exhausted or do you leave meetings energized and ready to take action?  This post is focused on the concept of“high-vibe” vs. “low-vibe.” Join me this week as I describe the difference and challenge you to think

Our Energy: High Vibe vs. Low Vibe Read More »

Be Accountable

Some of you may be thinking, how does last week’s post on “Be Flexible” relate to the idea of “Be Accountable”? Aren’t they totally different things and potentially incompatible? Actually, no!  As leaders of teams, coalitions and non-profits, it’s vitally important that we show flexibility AND accountability. If we lose sight of our goals and

Be Accountable Read More »

Seek “win-win” opportunities

Stephen Covey highlighted the importance of “thinking win-win” as his 4th Habit of Highly Effective People. As we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. today, he sets an example for us in what it looks like to seek win-win opportunities. He recognized situations that were definitely win-lose or lose-win and worked diligently to find new

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Agree to Disagree Agreeably

We have all heard the expression agree to disagree. While this is very easy to say, it is difficult to practice. It is even more difficult to disagree “agreeably” with respect, candor and kindness. And it is profoundly difficult to practice when the person you disagree with is also being disagreeable (not respectful, attacking, defensive

Agree to Disagree Agreeably Read More »

What do you do when your work friends have let you down?

Over the past two weeks, we have highlighted why we should become friends with our colleagues and how we can become friends with our colleagues. Sometimes your work friends, just like any other friends, can let you down, disappoint you, cause dissension among the group or even betray your trust.  What happens then? Can your friendship recover? Can your

What do you do when your work friends have let you down? Read More »

What do you do when your work friends have let you down?

Over the past two weeks, we have highlighted why we should become friends with our colleagues and how we can become friends with our colleagues. Sometimes your work friends, just like any other friends, can let you down, disappoint you, cause dissension among the group or even betray your trust.  What happens then? Can your

What do you do when your work friends have let you down? Read More »

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