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Coalition Building = Trust Building

Coalition building is all about working together with others to do more than we could do on our own. If we are going to work with others and make an impact, we have to trust the people we work with


Coalition Building = Trust Building

Coalition building is all about working together with others to do more than we could do on our own. If we are going to work with others and make an impact, we have to trust the people we work with

Jennifer Redmond Knight Horizontal Divider

Recent Posts

Coalition Building = Trust Building

Coalition building is all about working together with others to do more than we could do on our own. If we are going to work with others and make an impact, we have to trust the people we work with


Coalitions and Thankfulness

One of the most common challenges that I hear from coalition leaders is the struggle with engagement. How do I engage my coalition effectively? How can I get more people to engage in the work? Although there is no โ€œoneโ€


Coalitions and Conflict

One of the best things about coalition work is working with people. One of the most challenging things about coalition work is working with people. ๐Ÿ™‚  Although conflict is often an area that many of us would prefer to avoid,


What does a coalition do? It celebrates! Part 2

In the last post, we highlighted the reasons why we want to celebrate and that may be all you need to get started celebrating! For others, especially those who are not natural โ€œcelebrators,โ€ you may be thinking it would be


What does a coalition do? It celebrates! Part 1

As coalition leaders, we can get caught up in the next task, meeting, activity, report or plan that we forget to add โ€œcelebrateโ€ to the list. In my coalition leading experience, this activity is the one we most often skip.


Sometimes rest is best

In our coalition work and other domains of life, our culture supports constant productivity but doesnโ€™t praise or support rest (or play). We also struggle with having enough margin in our lives to rest when we face the unexpected. When


What does a coalition do? It evaluates!

The word evaluation can elicit excitement, curiosity, confusion and dread. When working with coalitions, evaluation is a necessary part of the work, but the way we do evaluation varies considerably depending upon the experience of the coalition leaders, resources available,


What does a coalition do? It implements!

The reason many people join a coalition or get involved in a partnership is because they want to do something to make a difference in a cause or topic they want to support. While the organization they work for may


What does a coalition do? It prioritizes!

One of the most important and challenging aspects of coalition work – and sometimes life – is prioritizing. When leading a coalition, you can see all the needs and all the opportunities. There is always more to do than you


What does a coalition do? It combines!

Coalitions are often under-funded and under-resourced to accomplish the lofty health, environmental or social goals that align with their purpose. An important role of the coalition is to find ways to catalyze and combine efforts so that collectively the coalition


What does a coalition do? It engages!

Engagement is one of the most critical components of coalition work and it can also be one of the most challenging. With our busy and overwhelming schedules, finding ways to intentionally and successfully engage our coalition is incredibly important. When


What does a coalition do? It plans

One of the first and ongoing coalition activities is planning. Whether you are working on a strategic plan, an action plan or an upcoming meeting plan, you are constantly planning something. When you are considering hiring for a coalition position,

Jennifer Redmond Knight Horizontal Divider

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Take your own advice.

In our coalition work, we are constantly planning and hosting meetings, projects and events. Depending upon our time, staff/leader capacity and partner availability, these can have varying levels of complexity and require us to consider many factors. Last week, during


Top 10 Tips for Facilitating an Online Meeting

As we plan and prepare our coalition meetings, we have lots of decisions to make about the type(s) of meetings we host. We once again have opportunities to meet in person, sometimes we host hybrid meetings and we continue to


10 Keys to Accountability

No one wants to talk about it (and we did – check out Part 1 and Part 2 Masterclasses!) but accountability is an important aspect of coalition building and trust building. When some people are held accountable and others are


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