I just launched two brand new premium courses to help you better engage with your coalition!

Coalition Engagement Skill #6: Demonstrate energy and enthusiasm

Engaging coalitions, partnerships, workgroups and teams is particularly challenging right now. Most meetings are still occurring virtually and “zoom” fatigue is real. When only a few people show their video and the energy is low, it is really difficult to effectively engage participants. As a coalition leader, you are responsible for modeling and encouraging positive energy. When you demonstrate enthusiasm and high-levels of energy, it is contagious (in the best way possible) 🙂 You are able to bring out the best in others, recognize opportunities and create a forum for high levels of engagement.  Join me this week as I highlight three ways you can demonstrate energy and enthusiasm as a coalition leader.

I have launched my first online course, Coalition Catalyst, for a limited time. This course will provide you additional guidance, resources, tools, templates and support in engaging your coalition!


Schedule time for you to do what builds your energy. If you are not taking time for self-care and doing what is energizing for you, it is not possible to have the energy you need to effectively engage your coalition members.  Prior to leading a meeting, go for a walk, dance, reflect on energizing words, talk with someone who inspires you, drink your favorite coffee or tea.  Take breaks in your day and give yourself a chance to recover and rest at night. Although it may seem impossible to find the time to pause and recharge, if you want to effectively engage your coalition members, it is essential!


Practice smiling! If it is difficult for you to smile, think of things (or people) that make you smile, write them down, print out pictures and keep them near your desk. Ask questions that help everyone smile. If you need some new ideas, check out “We and Me” and their conversation cards. Incorporate humor into your meetings. If you can get people to laugh, the energy always increases.

Show you care

Create interactive opportunities during meetings. Show your video and encourage your participants to also show their video during interactive opportunities. Actively listen and respond authentically, positively and enthusiastically to those willing to participate. When you are able to affirm those who engage, they will see that you care about them. If you consistently show you care, then those who are less likely to initially participate will feel more comfortable opening up and engaging.

So what about you? What are you going to do to demonstrate energy and enthusiasm in your coalition, partnership, task force, board or team? 

Download my newest free resource where I provide additional guidance on how demonstrate energy and enthusiasm.

Photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash

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