The next Coalition Catalyst™ online course begins February 24th!

Celebrate Successes

As we end 2018, it’s a time to reflect on the past year and think about your hopes for 2019. I don’t know about you, but as I review my goals and plans from 2018, my first inclination is to notice what I didn’t accomplish.  However, I am challenging myself – and you – to focus the end of 2018 on what you DID accomplish! Think about those things that really went well and celebrate! Join me as I focus on 3 ways to celebrate successes at the end of 2018!

  1. Reflect and Ask. You may have a list of goals where some are partially accomplished.  Rather than focusing on what you didn’t accomplish, reflect on what you DID accomplish!  Also, spend some time reflecting on what else worked well this year. Think of successes you may have had related to things you never planned to do in 2018.  If you are struggling a little with finding those successes, ask a close friend, family member or colleague to remind you of the successes they see in your life in 2018. I recently had a meeting with my mentoring committee (side note – I HIGHLY recommend seeking out mentors in every season of life).  As I was asking for their insight in goal setting and sharing my struggles in meeting some goals, they highlighted SEVERAL really great things that I had been able to accomplish. They emphasized the gifts, skills and experience that have been extremely valuable to others. I began that conversation feeling shame about the goals I didn’t fully accomplish and I ended the conversation really excited about my successes in the past and hope for the future!
  2. Write them down.  After reflecting and asking for feedback, write down your successes.  Write it somewhere (on paper or electronically) that you can reference sometime in 2019 when you might be getting a bit discouraged and need a reminder of successes. Use these successes to plan for 2019. While it can be important to consider what didn’t work well, I challenge you this year to focus on what DID and build upon that success for 2019.
  3. Do something fun!  Find a way to celebrate your successes in a way that you see as fun.  This doesn’t have to be expensive or elaborate, but it is important to acknowledge and celebrate what worked this year!  Maybe go out for a special dinner, have some friends over for a game night, go hiking, biking or skiing, take a trip to a favorite destination, read a book just for fun, go shopping with a friend, bake your favorite cookies (or ask someone else to bake your favorite cookies) 🙂 or take an entire weekend to completely rest and unplug!  Make it special for you!

What are you going to do to celebrate your success in 2018?

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