The next Coalition Catalyst™ online course begins February 24th!

Remember, reflect and rest

Happy Memorial Day! I don’t know about you, but I’m particularly humbled today because we are celebrating those who are no longer with us who gave their lives for us. Wow…how often do we stop and reflect on that gift?  I know there are many things that are dividing our country right now; however, these men and women gave their lives so that we could have the freedom to figure out how we can work together again. In honor of today, I challenge you to do three things.

    1. Remember. Consider the reason for Memorial Day. Remember those men and women who gave their lives in service to our country. Remember those that you knew and those you never had the opportunity to know. Remember that there are friends and family members who no longer have their loved ones close to them.
    2. Reflect. Consider the result of Memorial Day. What are some reasons that you have to be thankful today? As you remember those who have lost their lives, today is also an opportunity to reflect on the gift of those who you get to spend time with (your family, friends, colleagues, and others). Perhaps you have the opportunity to be off work today (and still get paid!). Perhaps you have a chance to cook some of your favorite foods or travel to interesting places. You may be able to go for a hike, a bike ride or read a book. Keep reflecting and considering reasons to be thankful on this day.
    3. Rest. Consider the opportunity for rejuvenation on Memorial Day. If you are blessed to be off work today, I encourage you to find ways to rest. Rather than making another long to-do list, consider focusing on rest today. Perhaps you can even take an actual nap today! I encourage you to consider what helps you rest best and allow yourself to do it (or stay away from those things that are NOT restful). Some ideas may include prayer, meditation, reading, walking, biking, playing, sleeping, cooking, eating out, having conversations with loved ones and more.

So what about you? How have you remembered, reflected or rested today?

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Photo by Ludovic Gauthier on Unsplash

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